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Suppressor Sock Makes Quiet Cool


A young company called War Sport Inc., of Robbins NC, is revealing an interesting bit of “clandestine” kit this week at FPED VIII, if clandestine is the right word for it—the suppressor sock. Designed for the best “barrel thermal management”, the suppressor sock is full-auto rated and has been tested on 5.56, .308, .338, .416, .50 and all sub-calibers.

Joey Boswell, the engineer behind suppressor sock and co-owner of War Sport Inc. says the main purpose of this design is to further reduce signatures of our operators, by reducing the thermal signature of their weapons and degrading the mirage effects of a hot barrel. This is certainly a valuable attribute for our boys working against bad guys with thermal optics, and not necessarily just those we’re fighting right now.

“We’ll also be making models with removable high-temp rubber disks that act as a dust cover and can be fired through,” he advised, “which will further lower the dB on a cold bore shot, though this is just 5.56 and sub-calibers only.”

He cites further benefits of the suppressor sock, including the prevention of ‘branding’ your buddy in a stack or the cramped confines of a CQB environment and mitigation of mechanical noise during rifle placement. The primary advantage remains, of course, the sock's ability to mask high temperatures, as seen below. The pictures below show a hot can (306 deg F) on its own after firing 5.56mm, then fitted with a suppressor sock.

The suppressor sock is odorless and smokeless, is a single piece design without zippers, Velcro, clips or other fasteners. Its FR outer skin is Berry Compliant and frankly just looks cool. They’re currently available in Multicam, OD, Coyote, Black and Army ACU Digital. They also provide optional full-barrel coverage.

The suppressor sock is rated and tested 1,700+ deg/f conductive heat and 2,100 deg/f Radiant, with thermal testing performed by certified 3rd party thermal scientists and several T&Es have been accomplished, with more in progress. MSRP for the average model without a barrel sleeve will be $149.99 each. Contact War Sport Inc. for more information.

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